• March 13, 2025 1:32 am


ByAmit Mukherjee

Dec 31, 2024 #Kolkata

The pain of suffering is much greater than the feeling of happiness.

Only one question to those who have full faith in Gods and Goddesses.

Which mother is such whose one daughter was raped and murdered yet she happily joins in the festival of her other children and also gladly accept the offerings from them?

Which mother is such who brings her two daughters in a insecure land where girls are raped and murdered?

He who loses he only feel the pain of losing. The lady doctor who was brutally raped and died painfully, no one lost any thing, nothing happened to anyone, only the world was ruined of her parents.It takes 9 months for two people to become parents and just one night ” 9 th august ” made this parents childless.Someone rightly said , the heaviest thing is the dead Corp of child in the lap of parents.

The motto of G20 summit 2023 which was held in India , Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — one earth, one family, one future ( bogus).

Celebrating festivals is a trend even if someone was raped or died in the family.
The incident of rape and murder of the lady doctor on 9 august in kolkata became neither a national grief, nor a state mourning nor a mourning of that locality where she lived.

A house was shrouded in darkness amidst the lights of durga puja festival , an unique picture of unity.
People are more concerned about their own enjoyment than the suffering of others.

If you want to see the most selfish people then see those who celebrated durga puja with great enthusiasm.

If “Guinness book of world record ” wants to include in the record ” largest gathering of most shameless people together ” then the crowd of this year durga puja will be registered.

It is heard that in the time of need humans can go to any extent and seeing the enthusiasm of people in this durrga puja it was also understood how low people can fall in selfishness .

A house in the middle was surrounded by hundred houses, some or the other female from these hundred houses was raped within a year, therefore due to the grief of hundred houses, the house in the middle didn’t celebrate any festival for one year , then why can’t hundred nearby houses forgo two festivals due to the mourning of the rape and murder of a girl of one house.

I will not sacrifice my share of happiness whether someone lives or dies.

There is no difference between humans and chickens, when a chicken is slaughtered by the butcher, the rest of the chickens remain busy pecking at the grain , none of the chickens think that I could be the next one.

As long as I don’t get raped, I am safe so no worries.

The selfishness of common people is the greatest strength of the rulers of society, and the rulers use this strength on the general public most with political power and hooligans.

This year’s Durga puja became a boon for those who wanted this rape and murder agitation to cool down, those who wanted to distract the mind of people from this agitation through the festival of durga puja.

People have many excuses to organize Durga pujas, the biggest reason is that Durga puja is a part of our rich culture and it is necessary to keep culture alive but rape ,murder ,corruption, and threat culture are the parts of which culture?

Rape happens everyday, 365 days a year ,every day some female or the other screams during rape , tolerate the pain of rape yet female race is not willing to boycott two festivals in the protest of rape. Whether rape victims get justice or not, whether rape stops or not but keeping culture alive is important , this is the hypocritical thinking of cultured society.

The movement against corruption that has started due to the rape and murder of this doctor will stop corruption for some time but then soon the corruption will spread its wings like before.

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