(Team NE India Broadcast)
It has been observed that the tribal community across Northeastern states hold immense contribution in the promotion of indigenous culture, thereby adding to social recognition out of efforts.
There are various tribes and cultures across Northeast. The diversity in language is unique for respective regions, and it is this special approach that calls for praise.
Meanwhile, we have the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DONER) that is responsible for matters relating to the planning, execution and monitoring of development schemes and projects in the entire North Eastern Region.

The prime vision is to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of Northeast so that it may enjoy growth parity with the rest of the country, with the vision of state and central governments.
Tribals add to cultural identity, while the factor of infrastructure development is being taken care of by project monitoring systems, DONER.
Let us understand that the collective approach is indeed significant for the region to prosper, perhaps in true sense of the term.