• March 6, 2025 1:01 am

Hindi poetry competition organized at AAI’s Regional Headquarter, Guwahati

A Hindi poetry recitation competition was organized at Airports Authority of India, Regional Headquarters, North-East Region, Guwahati under the aegis of Town Official Language Implementation Committee- TOLIC (Undertaking), Guwahati for member offices of TOLIC.

The programme was chaired by Sanmukh Jugani, Regional Executive Director, AAI. In his address to the participants, Shri. Jugani said that the popularity of the official language will increase through this poetry recitation competition which has been organized by the Airports Authority of India under the aegis of TOLIC, Guwahati. This type of event increases the honor and respect of the official language and the people working in the sector.

Participants from member offices (PSUs) of TOLIC participated in this poetry recitation competition, in which along with first, second, third and consolation prizes, all the participants were honored with participation prizes.

The jury members of this competition were Badri Yadav, Dr. Kusum Kunj Malakar and Gian Batra, General Manager (HR),AAI.

Badri Yadav, Regional Head, Government of India, Department of Official Language, Guwahati said that all the participants, who gave their presentation today as poets and those who presented their compositions, were equally good. He said, ‘Poetry is like a flower in which along with fragrance, it has attraction as well which turns the mood of audience towards itself. He also expressed his appreciation while thanking the Airports Authority of India for this successful and well-organized event.

Dr. Kusum Kunj Malakar, Head of Department, Rajbhasha Hindi, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam said that poetry is the expression of your mind. Poetry gives you an opportunity to openly express your thoughts and feelings, as well as its proper presentation is also an art. She wholeheartedly thanks organisers and the participants for a wonderful programme.

This Hindi Poetry competition was organized by the Department of Official Language, AAI which was conducted and coordinated by Arvind Kumar Tiwari, Senior Manager.

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