In the aftermath of communal violence that has led to widespread displacement in Manipur, Assam Rifles under the aegis of IGAR (South) Mantripukhri has stepped forward to extend a helping hand to the internally displaced people. Demonstrating unwavering professionalism and dedication, the Assam Rifles team distributed essential relief materials to the inmates of the Leikinthabi Relief Camp in Imphal West of Manipur on 01 Sep 2023.
Recognizing the urgent needs of those affected, the relief items were tailored to address the dire necessities of the displaced residents. Assam Rifles remains committed to extending unbiased support and succour to all communities. In addition to providing relief assistance, they are actively engaged in maintaining security and stability in the region.
Assam Rifles underscores its dedication to assisting those in need, upholding professionalism, and contributing to a secure environment.