• February 11, 2025 1:41 am


Metro Railway, Kolkata is observing Vigilance Awareness Week from 30th October to 5th November, 2023. As part of this programme, Shri P Uday Kumar Reddy, General Manager, Metro Railway administered the Integrity Pledge to the officers and staff of Metro Railway at Metro Rail Bhavan today i.e. on 30.10.2023 in order to maintain probity and rule of law in all walks of life.

Reddy emphasised on eradication of corruption in order to ensure economic, political and social progress of our country. He called upon all to be vigilant and show the highest standard of honesty and integrity and support the fight against corruption. Integrity Pledge was also administered at other Departments of Metro Railway today. A skit on Integrity and Probity in public life was also presented at Metro Rail Bhavan today.

It is to be noted that the theme of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 is “Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation”.

Kausik Mitra, Chief Public Relations Officer stated this through a press release.

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