After 75 years of our country’s independence where our Country is celebrating Azaadi ka Amrit Mahutsav being a Tangsa Naga i am deprived, exploited and discriminated by all section of people said Jannya Hakhun a post gradute student from Dibrugarh University.
Tangsa Naga community are the largest community of North Eastern States but at Malu Pahar of Tikak Colliery under 124 Number Margherita Constituency of Tinsukia district these Tangsa community are living a deplorable life as compare to other community people who are at plains area are in great joy and happiness said Jannya Hakhun.
At Malu Pahar there is no School,No Medical health centre,No safe drinking water supply,poor condition of road and above all fear of life and property from outsiders said a graduate Tangsa girl of Malu Pahar.
There are total 700 Tangsa Naga people at Malu Pahar with 100 houses but being a Schedule Tribes(Hills) I didn’t got a job at Assam Government as several times I have given interview said Jannya Hakhun.
There are many school drop outs students at Malu Pahar and this is because of the pathetic road as many small school students fear to cross the road due to slippery and many a students broke there hands and legs also and this is due to Assam Government and NEC Coal India ltd Margherita negligenc and irresponsible attitude towards the Tangsa Naga people of Malu Pahar said Tehan Hakun Gaon Burah(Village Pradhan) of Malu Pahar.
Tinsukia District Administration told me that Malu Pahar doesn’t fells under Assam Government so they cannot give me any salary and other facilities only for name sake I am a Gaon Burah said Tehan Hakun.
Malu Pahar is named after Malu king where Malu 1 fells under Arunachal Pradesh and Malu 2,3 of Tikak Colliery fells under Assam said Tehan Hakun.
In the year 1981 the management of NEC Coal India ltd Margherita signed an agreement between 3 Gaon Burahs of Malu Pahar 1,2 and 3 that NEC shall provide School, Medical health centre, safe drinking water supply, proper roads and above all jobs at NEC but after 42 years of the agreement not a single commitment has fulfilled which ,Union Government, Assam Government and NEC Coal India ltd Margherita treat us Step mother son for which we are living like an animal said Tehan Hakun.
There are total 300 male and 400 female of Tangsa Naga community people residing at Malu Pahar 2 where Jhum Cultivation and agriculture is the main source of income of Tangsa Naga community people said Tehan Hakun.