Assam Rifles, under the aegis of Headquarter Inspector General Assam Rifles (South), organized a security meeting with the CAPF commanders and the Village Chiefs of Sangaikot Sub-Division, Churachandpur District, on 13 March 2023 at Sangaikot village.
Since the villages are located far from Churachandpur town, a close coordination of security forces with the local populace for peace is of utmost importance. Seven CAPF Commanders and fourteen Village Chiefs attended the security meeting.
The mutual interaction focused on measures to ensure peace moreso in view of the upcoming elections. The villagers affirmed their support for the peaceful conduct of the elections. The villagers also shared their experiences, views, and challenges faced by them due to the outbreak of violence in the area.
Such interactions while addressing the issues faced by the villages also assist in creating mutual bonhomie and trust which are an essential ingredient to the peace restoration process in the state.